02 January 2010

PJ's and Another Fleece Idea

I have been doing good today. M took the kids to the pool this afternoon. I had 4 hours just to myself! Yes, I had to do some house cleaning but I was also able to trace a PJ pattern (Simplicity 3935) and a hooded sweater (Farbenmix Yorik), cut out two PJ bottoms, a PJ top, and a hooded sweater. I didn't read the general instruction pamphlet which turned out to be a huge (quite literally!) mistake. I didn't realize that the seam allowance was already included. So I added another 5/8". The pattern also has a ton of ease. So add that on top of my "extra" seam allowance and the PJ top is 2 sizes too large. I am too lazy too fix it and it's wearable. Why fuss with something that I only wear to bed. It will be better with my next PJ top though since I will cut it out correctly :-) I adjusted the seam allowance for the PJ bottoms and they turned out almost perfect. I will try to make a photo of them and post it on here.

I also came up with another idea for my small fleece remnants. I love scarves and the feeling of warmth they give me. However they aren't always practical because the ends flop this and that way. So I thought that it would be nice to have something smaller  that kind a hugs the neck without the ends. I love it so much that I can see myself making tons of it.

Essentially it is just a long rectangle of fleece. Both long sides were turned to the left side and sewn down. Then I sewed the two short sides together and I had a tube. Place it around your neck and you'll be warm all day long...

Happy Crafting

01 January 2010

Random Thoughts

2009 - It was a year of may changes and disillusions for us. My nephew and nieces brought great tumult into our lives, my best friend moved and we moved across town unexpectedly. I am ready for calm and comfort! I am glad that it’s over and 2010 has started. I so hope that 2010 brings us the much needed calm and quiet.

We are planning some great things for 2010: a visit to Georgia and Arizona, a trip to Italy and England, more sewing and crafting which hopefully will turn into more blogging. I would like to take up running again. But I will start with a modest goal of walking three times a week. It will be challenging to carve out this time just for me away from the family. But if I never try , I fail before I even start….

Have you ever hear from the “Chor ohne Grenzen”? I came across this commercial from the Telekom which was created Nov 09. A few hundred people coming together spontaneously (as much as can be) in the Leipzig Bahnhof singing Beethoven’s “Ode and die Freude” with Paul Pott. I love it… Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZH__HAa1I4

I have been doing lots of sewing and crafting. I just didn’t blog about it. I bought a ton of thin solid colored fleece. The local store had a special going on and I bought about 15 yards. I made already 4 hooded sweaters (2 kids and 2 adult ones). I have enough left over to make myself 2 sets of pj’s.

Now I have a ton of small pieces left over from the sweaters and no clue what to use it for. I have a book somewhere on sewing with fleece – but a lot of my books are still in boxes downstairs in the basement. I don’t feel like looking through boxes when I want to sew instead. So if I am too lazy to do that I will have to look on the internet for inspiration! I got inspired by this scarf - http://www.vanessachristenson.com/2009/12/sytc-win-scarf-tutorial.html. I can’t seem to justify paying for something that I can easily create myself. So yesterday afternoon, I made myself something similar.

I am so in love with this scarf. It was just as easy as I had thought and it only took about an hour to make J

Happy New Year from Me to You! May this year bring calm and quiet yet be also exciting and sweet!
