09 June 2011

A Birthday Quilt

I had a burst of energy… I don’t know where it came from but as my dad likes to say “never look in to the mouth of a gifted horse”! Okay, okay, I do know where it came from! M kept everything away from me so that I could put in some quality time with my sewing machine. I was able to piece the birthday quilt (and quilt it!) for S. I picked up a 5-yard bundle from "The Scarlett Thread" store with a free pattern. Isn’t it fabulous?!?!

I decided to applique the 6 left over blocks on the back. It gives it a certain charm!

It’s gorgeous. All pink and delicious! Memories of S floated through my mind as I worked on it. The first time I met her (right outside of GEMS school!). She was such a tiny thing. All smiles… and shy too! She hid behind her mom… she is still a bit shy! She has such a fun personality. It’s hard not to be happy when you are around her.

Even though I am tempted to keep it... it’s going to be wrapped up in a box and sent on to her new home. I hope she likes it as much as I do!

Take care,



  1. OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It is soooo beautiful.
    You are so gifted.
    Love you
