26 August 2011

Those darn WIPs!!!

I am currently working on 11 quilts and a few other projects. They are in varying stages and I am having a hard time keeping track of them all. I am actually scared that one of them will be dropped because I "forgot" about it. So I wrote them all down to help me keep track of them:

1. Love Birds (large lap size) - need to finish to sew on the binding by hand

2. Sherbert Quilt (queen size) - working on the blocks. It looks good but I need to order another jelly roll!

3. Swoon Quilt (queen size) - I cut the fabric and it is ready to be sewn together

4. S's hounds tooth (twin size) - I purchased the fabric last Saturday in Grafenwoehr and I am getting ready to cut it

5. N's flowers (twinish size) - I have to put the border on it

6. Snowballs (large lap size) - sandwiched and ready to be quilted

7. Large Star (queen size) - top is finished; I need to sandwich and quilt it

8. A's christmas quilt (large lap size) - same here; I need to sandwich and quilt it

9. Square Dancing (king size) - the rows are done; I just have to sew those together... It is so huge that I am reluctant to tackle it!  :-(

10. Crazy Quilt (twin size) - ready to be sandwiched and quilted

11. Loulouthi Tiles - I have the fabric all ready but I just don't feel like getting started on it! 

12. Pajama capri pants for P - she needs three pairs: I have to finish those this weekend!

13. Computer table cover - Yup, another one of those utility things that I keep on dragging my feet on doing this

Now I am scared I won't finish one of these project as I am looking at this huge list.  My mantra should be: Stay Strong and Keep on Sewing :-)

What is on your plate right now?

Take care,

P.S. Just because I hate picture less posts: here is P and Jake hanging out while M is shopping :-)


  1. I'm sure you can do it. My list is a bit different:
    Remove molding from playroom
    Tape around molding in livingroom
    Patch and sand holes
    .... just a lot of home improvement.
    Hope to be done before you visit;)

  2. Buy the way cute pic of P and Jake
