30 July 2012

I am bad...!

Yes... I am real bad! Miss Sarah had her b-day a bit over a week ago and I still haven't mailed her package. It is all wrapped and ready to go! Here is proof:

But it seems that even all wrapped up, in a box, labeled and just needing to be dropped off at the post office is not enough! The funny thing is that I had her presents bought in May already. It took me a couple of weeks to wrap them, and then it took me another couple of weeks to get a mailbox, and then another couple of weeks to put it in my car to take it to the post office. I stop by the post office almost every day to pick up my mail... I have nothing that I can say in my defense of this! 

But now that it is in the mail I can breath easier. Except I still need to mail their Al-Eid presents. And to be honest I only have the ones for four of them and not for all five! I suck... I know! Hopefully I will mail it before Christmas :-)

Take care, 


  1. I loved the present the candy was good

  2. I am so happy that you loved it!!! I wish I could have hugged you on your b-day!
