30 November 2011

Having a Good Time

Okay, imagine the following scenario:

I am sitting on my sewing machine minding my own business (quilting) when Pasha drops in with a cup of hot chocolate and asks me if I would like to have some peppermint tea! Oh my, of course!

So she sits next to me and we chit chat while she is attending to her hot chocolate and I am drinking my tea while quilting and removing pins. (I like to do that you know!) We are having a grand old time...

But can you see what's wrong with that set up?

Well, let me come a bit closer...

Do you see it yet?

That's right, never place your tea cup right next to your pins box! You might drop some in by accident while you are laughing and having a grand old time... it kinda diverts your attention :-)  

Pasha finds this hilarious (of course), grabs my cup and runs to Martin (who was involved with Jake) to show off my newest accomplishment!

She comes back stating: "He didn't even crack a smile!"

Me (calling him out!): "Martin, where is your sense of humor!"

Pasha: "You can't blame him! I took it from him years ago!"


Take care,

29 November 2011

Charm Pack Project #5

I still have scraps left over from my charm pack.

I took the "pedals" and made another pillow case!

Are you getting tired of my pillow cases yet? :-)

I paired the pedals with cream and red fabric for the front and grey fabric for the back. 

It looks just beautiful next to the other pillows! 

And here are the backs:

Simple envelope backs :-)

The only thing that I have left of the charm pack are the scraps on the left in the top pictures. What am I going to do with those? Just teasing... I was inspired by you and... well, I have to finish it first and then I will show you!

Oh, yeah, I still owe you an update of my charm pack table runner... I am almost done with it :-)

What are you working on right now?

Take care,

28 November 2011

Jake at Work

Last week I took Jake to work with me for the morning!

 He is such a sweetie... for the most part well-behaved... friendly.... curious... and people love him :-)

Here is is sitting right next to my desk. He just finished playing with an empty plastic bottle... and yes, you can see a wine bottle in the corner. No, I am not a person that needs a "little support" to get through the work day :-) I got that bottle a couple of years ago from a co-worker for my b-day. But I don't drink at all (can't stand the taste of alcohol!) and I keep on forgetting to take it home with me. Can wine go bad? 

Maybe I can regift it this Christmas season since the person who gave it to me left... LOL!

Take care,

24 November 2011

Today is Thanksgiving...

... and I am grateful for (in no particular order!):

1.) my husband who I love more than life!

2.) my baby who makes me so happy that I have a permanent smile on my face!

3.) Alex my German Shepard who loved me the best (at least according to Martin)! :-)

4.) Jake who is the only dog that was ever able to fill the hole that Alex left behind when he passed

5.) my parents who brought my in this world and decided to not take me out even though I deserved it on occasion I am sure!

6.) my sister who is the best sister anyone could have!

7.) my friends who are just like my family!

8.) to live the life I have! I wouldn't want to change one thing. The trials and triumphs gave me my life and made me who I am! I am so happy!

What are you grateful for?

Happy Thanksgiving!

23 November 2011

Charm Pack Project #4

I still had 6 charm squares left over from my charm pack. So I made another pillow case out of it. Yup, another pillow case... :-)

I added the grey so it would fit with the other two previously made ones!

Isn't it pretty! :-)

And there are more coming... they are multiplying like bunnies ;-)

Take care,

22 November 2011

Another Pillow!

My mom worked on her present for Steffi while she was here a couple weeks ago. I took the left over fabric and cut it in 2.5" squares. I paired it with some grey fabric and voila...

... another pillow! :-)

It has a simple envelope back. 

I put it in a box and sent it up to her! She loved her surprise package! 

Pillows are so addicting and fast! I keep on making them. Since I don't have much room on our sofas anymore, I will have to gift them! 

Take care,

21 November 2011

A Week of Vacation...

I was off from work all last week. I had these grand plans of cleaning the house for the upcoming holidays, a little bit of sewing, sleeping, reading and some random stuff. But alas, it was not meant to be! I am looking back on these past days and realize that I didn't get much accomplished! I didn't even blog but once this week!

I had appointments with teachers, ran errands, and worked on some stuff from work :-)

I don't know how stay-at-home moms do it! I get way more done during a regular work week than when I am off!

But I was able to mix up another batch of our hot chocolate mix while talking to my best friend on the phone! We have been drinking this hot chocolate for the last 3 years. A mom from school gave the recipe and we all love it. No more store bought mixes!

I promised I would post the recipe. So here it is:

The main actors in this mix are: 

32oz container coffee creamer
4 cups dried milk
1/2 can Nestle Quick (reduced sugar)
and 1/2 bag powdered sugar

Mix them all up slowly in a big (and I mean big!) bowl...

and then fill it up in a big container.

The big container would normally be full to the top but I put some in a couple smaller containers to give to my sister and to send some up to my mom! tThis would also be a great gift to teachers. Top it with a square of cute holiday fabric and tie it up with some pretty ribbon. I would also attach a couple of plastic spoons which got dipped in chocolate and have some crushed peppermint candy on it. :-)

I get 6-7 small gifts out of it!

It takes 4 heaping tablespoon full mixed with hot water for one cup of hot chocolate. Do it like Pasha and top it with whip cream and chocolate sprinkles! :-)

How do you drink your hot chocolate?

Take care,

20 November 2011

Gorgeous Fall in the Alps

We are being treated to the best Fall in the Alps by Mother Nature... These are pictures I made in the last few weeks...

I love living here :-)

Have you taken some pictures that you would like to share?

Take care,

Where We've Been...

I loved the map on my best friend's blog. It showed which countries she had visited in her lifetime so far. So I had to make one too! Yup, I am such a copy cat!!! :-)

Countries visited/lived in Europe (in no particular order):

UK, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Denmark, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Austria, Albania, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegowina, Croatia, Romania, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Switzerland, and my favorite Germany :-)

I don't think I have to name the States :-)

We've also been to Mexico...

But there are so many places we still want to see. We really would like to get stationed on the Asian Pacific side. That really would be a dream come true!

How about you? Which country do you want to visit next?

Take care, 

14 November 2011

Different Toys for Different People

Our weekend was crazy yet so relaxing. Martin and Pasha joined me at work! I had to run up to the airport for a surveillance and they decided to join me even if that meant getting up at 5 in the morning.

They had MacDonald's for breakfast and I got me a bagel at Starbucks as well as one of their new winter flavored coffee. It was delicious.

After the airport, Martin and I decided to surprise Pasha with a trip to Toys'R'us on the way home.

I remember being Pasha's age and how I wished for a certain Barbie. But my parents deemed me too old for stuff like that :-)

I know that she probably will "play" with them for maybe another 6 months or so. But what's the harm in extending her childhood for a few more months with toys that she'll love! So yes, I might have made a note of one or two that she particularly liked from Monster High :-)

By the way, we walked out of Toys'R'us with the game "Quirkle". It won the "Spiel des Jahres" and everyone is talking about it. So we'll try it out and let you know if we liked it!

Also, I went to the post office. I got a package from my bestest friend! I am totally spoiled! 

 Yes, I am already playing with my toys!!!

And I may have already ate one (maybe even 2) of my favorite candy bars! But I am not telling... LOL

Take care, 

13 November 2011

A little bit of friendly Competion

Do you know all 50 States? I bet you do! But could you put the name on a blank map with the capital and the postal code abbreviations?  

Pasha has to do exactly that. Next week she and all her classmates will be tested on that! When she told me about that I realized that I couldn't do it! I know most of them but not all and I sure have my problems putting the tiny little upper east coast states correctly on the map. I talked to Martin and realized that he had the same problem. And with that a family competition was born!

We had the last 3 days to learn the state names, capitals and postal code abbreviations. And tonight exactly at 18.00 we will all sit down with a blank map in front of us and test each other. The winner will get a $50 iTunes card... 

...and it has my name written all over it!!! LOL! 

But we'll see tonight!

I'll let you know who got it!

Take care, 


12 November 2011

Trunk Show - Part 3: The End

I was asked to leave my quilts out so that people could take a closer look at them. So many compliments and questions! My nervosity before the show wasn't necessary. Everyone was so kind to me :-)

Ich wurde gebeten meine Quilts nicht gleich weg zu raeumen damit sie naeher betrachtet werden konnten. So viele Komplimente und Fragen! Meine Nervositaet am Anfang der Show war gar nicht noetig. Es waren alle so nett zu mir :-)

Here is Marion Caspar. She is the leader of the Alpine Quilters guild of Garmisch. Thank you for inviting me! I had a blast!

Hier ist Marion Caspar. Sie is die Leiterin der Alpine Quilters Gruppe von Garmisch. Danke fuer die Einladung. Ich hatte einen riesen Spass!

I also need to say thank you to Martin and Pasha. They put up with my nervosity and attitude and stood by me, holding my hand the entire time. I love you guys!

Ich moechte auch meinen Dank and Martin und Pasha aussprechen. Sie haben es mit meiner Nervositaet und Gefuehlsausbruechen ausgehalten, und sind bei mir geblieben und haben die ganze Zeit meine Hand gehalten. Ich liebe Euch!

Take care,

11 November 2011

Trunk Show - Part 2

Here is the next round of my Trunk Show. This is my Hummingbird Quilt that I made in the summer of 2010.

Hier ist die naechste Runde an Bildern von meiner Koffer Ausstellung. Dies ist mein Kolibri Quilt das ich im Sommer 2010 gemacht habe.

My Snowball quilt - Summer 2011
Mein Schneeball Quilt - Sommer 2011

A focused audience...

Ein aufmerksames Publikum...

Pasha's Peace Quilt - Fall 2010

Pasha's Friedenszeichen Quilt - Herbst 2010

Lovebirds Quilt - Summer 2011
Turteltauben Quilt - Sommer 2011

Christmas Coins - Summer 2011

Weihnachtsmuenzen - Sommer 2011

Christmas Banner - Fall 2011

Weihnachts Wimpeln - Herbst 2011

Fall Dreams - Summer 2004

Herbst Traeume - Sommer 2004

Pavers - Summer 2008

Pflastersteine - Sommer 2008

Summer Feelings - Spring 2008

Sommer Gefuehle - Fruehjar 2008

Red and Blue Quilt - Winter 2004

Rot und Blau Quilt - Winter 2004

Walking on Roses - Spring 2011

Auf Rosen Gehen - Fruehjahr 2011

I have a few more... posted shortly :-)

Ich habe noch ein paar Fotos... in Kuerze :-)

Take care,