I was asked to leave my quilts out so that people could take a closer look at them. So many compliments and questions! My nervosity before the show wasn't necessary. Everyone was so kind to me :-)
Ich wurde gebeten meine Quilts nicht gleich weg zu raeumen damit sie naeher betrachtet werden konnten. So viele Komplimente und Fragen! Meine Nervositaet am Anfang der Show war gar nicht noetig. Es waren alle so nett zu mir :-)
Here is Marion Caspar. She is the leader of the Alpine Quilters guild of Garmisch. Thank you for inviting me! I had a blast!
Hier ist Marion Caspar. Sie is die Leiterin der Alpine Quilters Gruppe von Garmisch. Danke fuer die Einladung. Ich hatte einen riesen Spass!
I also need to say thank you to Martin and Pasha. They put up with my nervosity and attitude and stood by me, holding my hand the entire time. I love you guys!
Ich moechte auch meinen Dank and Martin und Pasha aussprechen. Sie haben es mit meiner Nervositaet und Gefuehlsausbruechen ausgehalten, und sind bei mir geblieben und haben die ganze Zeit meine Hand gehalten. Ich liebe Euch!
Take care,
Everything goes smoother with the support of a loving family.
ReplyDeleteYou did a great joband I can see how proud Martin and Pasha are at you.
Wow! It took Karin a few months to do what most people take years to do. She loves her hobby. The women at the show just loved her quilts. The rubbed, felt, measured, and photoed each one. An interesting group of ladies. I'm finding that is the theme with most quilters anyway. Very interesting people. Karin should feel right at home. Love Ya baby. Good job.