24 December 2011

Christmas Eve

Today was the most beautiful day! 

I woke up with Martin bringing me tea and chocolate Lebkuchen for breakfast in bed.

He actually looks sleepy but he had just gotten in from a walk with Jake!

My parents, Steffi, Pasha and I got dressed and we walked downtown for some last minute shopping. It wasn't bad at all! But that's the joy of living in a small town...

We skipped lunch in favor of our upcoming huge Christmas Eve dinner. Pasha and I spent the afternoon wrapping up presents...

... dancing next to the Christmas tree...

... posing for some photos ...

... and setting the table.

Finally at 18.00 hrs we sat down for dinner and enjoyed a wonderful meal. We had Schnitzel, fish, and potato salad.

And then, finally, the long awaited moment: the "Bescherung"!

Lots of "thank you" kisses and hugs were exchanged!

This was our aftermath!

Now it is 22.42 hrs and my parents and Steffi said good night. Pasha is still playing in her room. I don't have the heart to tell her to get ready for bed. She may play until tomorrow morning for all I care :-)
Martin is watching some political show on Apple TV, and I am writing this post for you to let you be part of our most wonderful day! :-)

I have many more things to tell you like the gift that made a grown man cry, the gift that made everyone first gasp and then laugh, the gift that everyone wishes they would have gotten! We also got a couple of surprise packages in the mail!

But that will have to wait until I can find some more time...

Take care,


  1. Hey,
    Merry Christmas:)
    I hope you guys liked the presents me and my family picked out for you guys. I Miss you guys so much.
    I'll talk to you soon.
    Luv ya,

  2. OMG,
    I really wish i could have been there with you and your family. The food looks so yummie and I can almost smell to good smell over here, lol.
    Thank you for letting us beeing part of your family. We love and miss you.
