It is now the 24th of December and I bet you are curious on how much I got done on my to-do list!? I haven't been able to take pictures of all the things I finished but promise to do so a bit later...
First the "done" stuff:
I was able to get the red and black quilt done for my sister!
I was also able to finish my nephew's green and white quilt!
I also finished my present for Martin, and I finished (and got paid for it!) Pasha's present for him!
I am also able to cross off the stocking stuffers of my list! Yeah!
Now for the hope-to-get-done-soon stuff:
I was able to quilt the grey and burgundy quilt. I also attached the binding but wasn't able to sew it down. I also didn't get to finish the binding on the baby quilt!
But overall, I am quite pleased with my productiveness of 1.5 days. Don't ask how much sleep I got though :-)
Take care,
What a beautiful quilt. I am sure your sister is going to love it.