19 January 2012

Baby Quilt

As promised, here is a picture of the baby quilt that I finished right before Christmas Eve.

Wie versprochen, hier ist ein Bild von dem Baby quilt das ich noch vor Weihnachten fertig gemacht habe.

It's made completely out of scraps. I had some charms left over from my snow ball quilt and paired it with a solid (Kona Bone) that I had on hand.

Es ist komplett von Resten gemacht. Ich hatte noch welche uebrig von meinem Snow Ball Quilt und habe sie mit Weiss (Kona Bone) kombiniert.

Speaking of scraps... One of my New Years Resolution is to work on reducing my scrap pile through out the year! We'll see how that will work out!

Da wir gerade ueber Reste sprechen... eins meiner Neujahrs Vorsaetze ist den Resteberg waehrend des Jahres zu reduzieren. Wir werden ja sehen ob das was wird!

Take care,


  1. I love your baby quilt. I still don't know how you do it all. Do you have a magic wand I do not know about? LOL.

    1. No magic wand! But a lot of stress! And the more stress I have the more productive I get! I don't know how that works!? Just thinking about it exhausts me... :-)
